New Items
7 Large Miniatures Foam Tray (MINI-2)
$12.99This tray can hold up to seven large miniatures from various game systems such as Warhammer Kill Team and Warcry. 2 inch (50 mm) thick tray with 3x 2.25 x 1.75 inch (57 x 47 mm) rectangle cut outs, 2x 2.25 x 2.75 inch (57 x 70 mm) rectangle cut...BF-MINIF-7LM$12.99 -
Kill Team Starter Set 2024 Foam Tray (BFL-2)
$26.99This tray can hold the Kill Team Starter Set Miniatures Contents which includes 7x Angels of Death Kill Team operatives, 7x Plague Marine Kill Team operatives, as well as the dice, tokens, and MDF terrain, and/or similarly sized miniatures. 2 inch (50...BF-BFL-KTSS2024$26.99 -
Kingdom Death Black Knight Killenium Butcher Frogdog Foam Tray (BFL-4)
$29.99This foam tray can hold miniatures for the Kingdom Death: Monster game system, specifically, the Frogdog Expansion, the Black Knight Expansion, and the Vignette of Death: Killenium Butcher. This tray will protect not only the Monsters, but all of...BF-BFL-KDBKKBFD$29.99 -
Marvel Crisis Protocol Wave 17 Characters Foam Tray (BFS-3)
$20.99This tray can hold seven characters for Marvel Crisis Protocol. Specifically, Mephiston, Abomination, The Wrecking Crew, Dracula, Living Mummy, Frankenstein’s Monster, and Werewolf by Night, or similarly sized miniatures. 3 inch (76 mm)...BF-BFS-MCPW17C$20.99 -
Star Wars Shatterpoint What Have We Here Squad Pack Foam Tray (BFS-2)
$17.99This tray can hold the four miniatures that are included in the Star Wars Shatterpoint What Have We Here Squad Pack: Lando Calrissian, Galactic Entrepreneur, Lobot, Computer Liaison Officer, and 2x Wing Guard, or similarly sized miniatures. There is also...BF-BFS-SWSPWHWHSP$17.99 -
Star Wars Shatterpoint We Don’t Need Their Scum Unit Pack Foam Tray (BFS-2)
$17.99This tray can hold the four miniatures that are included in the Star Wars Shatterpoint We Don’t Need Their Scum Squad Pack: Boba Fett, On Contract, Dengar, the Demolisher, IG-88B, Created to Succeed, and Bossk, Single-Minded Slayer, or similarly...BF-BFS-SWSPWDNTSUP$17.99 -
Star Wars Shatterpoint This is the Way Squad Pack Foam Tray (BFS-2)
$17.99This tray can hold the four miniatures that are included in the Star Wars Shatterpoint This is the Way Squad Pack: The Armorer, Paz Vizla, and 2x Covert Mandalorians, or similarly sized miniatures. There is also room for the Unit and Stance Cards as well...BF-BFS-SWSPTITWSP$17.99 -
Star Wars Shatterpoint Maximum Firepower Squad Pack Foam Tray (BFS-2)
$17.99This tray can hold the four miniatures that are included in the Star Wars Shatterpoint Maximum Firepower Squad Pack: General Veers, Tactical Genius, Snowtrooper Lieutenant, and 2x Snowtroopers, or similarly sized miniatures. There is also room for the...BF-BFS-SWSPMFSP$17.99 -
Star Wars Shatterpoint Good Soldiers Follow Orders Squad Pack Foam Tray (BFS-2)
$17.99This tray can hold the four miniatures that are included in the Star Wars Shatterpoint Good Soldiers Follow Orders Squad Pack: CT-9904, Elite Squad Leader, ES-04 Firebrand, and 2x Elite Squad Troopers, or similarly sized miniatures. There is also room...BF-BFS-SWSPGSFOSP$17.99 -
Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals Iridan Stormreach Portal Endless Spells Foam Tray (BFL-6)
$34.99This tray is designed to protect Stormcast Eternals miniatures from the Age of Sigmar Game System such as 1x Iridan the Witness, 1x Stormreach Portal, 1x Celestian Vortex, 1x Dais Arcanum, 1x Everblaze Comet, 1x Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker, and up to...BF-BFL-AOSSEITWSPES$34.99 -
Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals Hero and 12 Reclusians Foam Tray (BFL-2)
$26.99This tray is designed to protect Stormcast Eternals miniatures from the Age of Sigmar Game System such as 1x Tornus the Redeemed, 1x Lord-Relictor, 1x Lord-Terminos with Memorian, 1x Lord-Celestant, 1x Knight-Arcanum, 1x Lord-Imperatant with Gryph-hound,...BF-BFL-AOSSEHAR$26.99 -
Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals 9 Stormstrike Palladors Foam Tray (BFL-4.5)
$29.99This tray is designed to protect Stormcast Eternals miniatures from the Age of Sigmar Game System such as 9x Stormstrike Palladors standing, or similarly sized miniatures. 4.5 inch (114 mm) thick tray with 9x miniature specific cut outs, 1x 2 x 1.6 inch...BF-BFL-AOSSE9SP$29.99 -
Heroscape Battle for the Wellspring Foam Tray (BFL-2)
$26.99This foam tray can hold the miniatures, tiles, and tokens from the Heroscape Battle for the Wellspring Box Set. The two large tiles can be held separately or used in our Heroscape Tile Foam Tray. 1x 2 inch (50mm) thick tray for Miniatures,...BF-BFL-HSBFTW$26.99 -
Heroscape The Grove at Laur’s Edge Foam Tray (BFL-2)
$26.99This foam tray can hold all of the terrain that comes in The Grove at Laur’s Edge Terrain Pack for the Heroscape 2024 Game System. 1x 2 inch (50mm) thick tray for large tiles. Custom text is not available on this product. Tray Dimensions...BF-BFL-HSTGALE$26.99 -
Heroscape Tile Foam Tray (BFL-2)
$26.99This foam tray can hold up to 5 layers of large tiles from the Heroscape 2024 Game System. Two pieces make one layer, so you can hold up to 10 large tiles per tray. 1x 2 inch (50mm) thick tray for large tiles. Custom text is not available on this...BF-BFL-HSTILE$26.99 -
40k Blood Angels Sanguinor and Sanguinary Guard 2024 Foam Tray (BFL-2)
$26.99This foam tray can hold miniatures for the Games Workshop 40k game from the Blood Angels Army such as the 2024 Sanguinor, up to 12x 2024 Sanguinary Guard, and up to 5x HQ or Characters such as the 2024 Sanguinary Priest, 2024 Blood Angels Captain,...BF-BFL-40KBASANG$26.99